NOV 23, 2021
Giving Tuesday: Putting Motivation Into Action

Adopt, don't shop. This is Desmond, a deaf cat rescued by PETA from his owner who kept him locked in a crate. He is now with a foster family, waiting for a fur-ever home. | PETA
In the true spirit of GIVING BACK and GROWING TOGETHER, we wanted to spotlight some of the causes that we are most passionate about. Since 2016, VEERAH has proudly donated more than 1% of our revenue to social impact causes. As we continue to grow and gain scale, we hope to be able to increase our charitable donations.
6 Outstanding Causes Near & Dear to Our Hearts
She's the First (STF) fights for a world where every girl chooses her own future. STF teams up with grassroots organizations to make sure girls everywhere are educated, respected, and heard.
Give Back Fact: For every 100 customer feedback surveys that VEERAH receives, we sponsor a one-year scholarship for a She’s The First girl scholar.

When you support She's The First Scholars like Kalkidan and Betti, you're setting them up for success in the classroom and beyond. Learn more at | Kate Lord
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA is the largest animal rights organization in the world with more than 9 million members and supporters globally.As a proud PETA Business Friend since 2018, our innovative partnership supports PETA’s groundbreaking work to stop animal abuse and suffering.

PETA Senior VP Daphna Nachminovitch and team brave tough environments to get to animals trapped in inhospitable places. Learn more at
The mission of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. Our vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature.

Sea turtles face multiple human threats. WWF is committed to the stopping their decline and works for the recovery of the species. Learn more at
Nomi Network’s mission is to end human trafficking by creating pathways to safe employment, empowering women and girls to break cycles of slavery in their families and communities.

By providing girls a safe place to socialize and learn skills, Nomi helps them pursue a future free of early marriage or forced labor. Learn more at
No Kid Hungry’s sole mission is for every single child in America to have the food they need to grow up healthy and strong. At the onset of COVID, we knew as a brand we needed to do something to help those in dire need during this global pandemic. We are so thankful to have joined forces with Brands X Better, a coalition of brands who’ve teamed up to support communities navigating critical social issues like the coronavirus pandemic.

Schools are at the center of our communities and kids' lives. School meals programs are at the heart of No Kid Hungry’s work. Learn more at
Woodstock Farm Sanctuary rescues farmed animals and gives them care and sanctuary, connects animals with people to advance veganism, and advocates for animal rights in alliance with other social justice movements.If you love animals as much as we do, and are passionate about advocating for animal rights, support your local sanctuary and become a volunteer!

Colin and Woody were rescued from a large-scale dairy farm in Upstate New York in May 2018. They are now free to roam pastures. Learn more at
As the holidays approach, we remain filled with gratitude for all of our loyal #VEERAHwarriors who continue to support us and share our vision for a kinder and more sustainable planet. We’d love to hear about the causes or movements that you value most! Which ones will you be giving to today?
Warm wishes,
Your Friends at VEERAH